Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Sing, Dance & Play 
is happening on Thursdays at 9:45 & 10:45 a.m.
The 9:45 class is full, but we still have 
space available in the 10:45 class.
I am happy to welcome back old friends and meet the younger siblings of my former students.
It thrills me to meet the new babies and to remember their older brothers and sisters when they were babies just a few years ago. Every time I meet a baby, I am reminded of how quickly our young children grow up. The youngest members of the class grow up so fast and soon enough, they are the big kids!  I understand that mothering young children takes every bit of energy, patience, stamina and focus that we have. Mothering babies and toddlers can feel like an overwhelming task. Our music class is a place where  you can relax with other moms in an atmosphere of fun, play and community.

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